Our school uniform policy requires our children to wear an item of school uniform with our school logo on it which can be a school sweatshirt, cardigan and/or polo shirt. These items can be purchased on-line via the website link which is detailed below. We keep a small amount of uniform in stock at school, alternatively, we would be happy to provide a facility in school for parents/carers to access the internet if you do not have internet access at home.
Children are asked to wear black school shoes which are NOT boots or trainers.
Water Bottles are on sale in school at a price of £1 each. Alternatively, children can bring in a plastic spill-proof bottle from home.
PE Kit
Children should have long hair tied back
- No Jewellery (children must remove earrings themselves)
- Plimsolls or trainers (not school shoes)
- Our uniform is a white t-shirt and black shorts/joggers.