Reading at Willow Brook - Rationale
As part of our Read Write Inc. Phonics programme children read books, in school and at home, that are matched to the sounds they are being taught in class. The learning follows the progression maps from RWi.
Children who have completed the programme move on to Accelerated Reader. Children choose and take home books within their reading zone and then take an online quiz which lets them know how well they understood the book.
We run a daily whole class reading session where children listen to, read and engage with a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books. Every session has planned opportunities to develop vocabulary and fluency and a focus comprehension skill is taught weekly on a rotating half termly programme.
Teachers read class books daily to the children during reading lessons and storytime. We have selected our progression in books thinking about the quality of language, female/male authors, those from other cultures and a mix of classic, older and newer authors.
General Documents |
Accelerated reader info for parents |
Rwi parent faqs |