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At Willow Brook as part of our Trust TKAT, many of our primary schools are in partnership with Ark Curriculum + to deliver the Mathematics Mastery Programme; we follow the Mathematics Mastery progression maps.

These are avialable from your class teacher.  Teachers draw on a range of resources we have available to create the best possible learning environment for our pupils, moving the children from the stages of concrete to pictorial and lastly to abstract.

All classes complete daily Early Bird Maths, with Age Related questions that focus on previously taught concepts to enable children to revisit their learning daily.

Each Mathematics Mastery lesson, from R – Y6, is provided in a six-part lesson structure. The Dimensions of Depth underpin the six-part lesson. Each part provides opportunities to focus on conceptual understanding, language and communication and mathematical thinking for the mathematical concept being covered.

  • Do Now:  This is a quick five-minute task that all pupils can access without any teacher input as an introduction to the mathematics lesson.
  • New Learning: The New Learning segment introduces the lesson’s main mathematical concepts.
  • Talk Task or Let’s Explore: The Talk Task or Let’s Explore is a chance for all pupils to practise using mathematical vocabulary related to the lesson’s concept.
  • Develop Learning: This segment builds on the New Learning and develops a deeper understanding of the maths concepts of that lesson. It also addresses misconceptions or inaccuracies discovered during the preceding segment.
  • Independent Task: The Independent Task provides pupils with the opportunity to practise the learning from that lesson. This may be independently and/or in pairs/small groups.
  • Plenary: The Plenary segment recaps on the lesson, checking understanding and celebrating success.

In Reception we adapt the six-part lesson model. Instead they follow a gradual approach through a child-initiated model or a focus group model.